
  • Triyadi Rizki Budiman Master of Laws at Langlangbuana University
  • Imas Rosidawati Wiradirja Master of Laws at Langlangbuana University
  • Juli Asril Master of Laws at Langlangbuana University


Abuse of authority by State Civil Apparatus is often carried out on the grounds that they are focused on personal interests. This research aims to determine the responsibility of the State Civil Apparatus for abuse of authority or misuse of power which causes state financial losses based on statutory provisions.

The research method used is a normative research method by dissecting, exploring legal sources and exploring literature that is appropriate to the research object. From the research results, it can be seen that state civil servants can be subject to demands for compensation if there are elements of abuse of authority that are not in accordance with their main duties and functions as State Civil Apparatuses. In addition, forms of accountability for State Civil Apparatus who are declared to have misused their authority can be given disciplinary sanctions as a form of accountability for the abuse of authority that has been carried out. Settlement of state losses in the form of claims for compensation is an attempt to resolve through administrative law which does not go through the trial system in court. Accountability for state losses can also be achieved through state administrative courts.


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How to Cite

Budiman, T. R., Wiradirja, I. R., & Asril, J. (2024). RESPONSIBILITY FOR COMPENSATION RESULTING FROM ABUSE OF AUTHORITY BY STATE CIVIL APPARATUS. International Journal of Asia Pasific Collaboration, 2(2), 13–18. Retrieved from

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