
  • Sony Cipto Leksono Master Of Law Science Langlangbuana University Bandung
  • Hadi Purnomo Master Of Law Science Langlangbuana University Bandung
  • Hernawati RAS Master Of Law Science Langlangbuana University Bandung


Implementation in the Criminal Justice System, Functional Differentiation, Comprehensive Approach.


The implementation of the criminal justice system in law enforcement using criminal law, does not run optimally even the criminal justice system in Indonesia is known by the principle of "functional differentiation" its impact on the implementation of law enforcement so that it will experience difficulties in achieving its function, as an effort to eradicate crime. This research aims to find a system concept in the right approach in the implementation of an integral criminal justice system so as to realize the maximum performance of the criminal justice system (SPP) in criminal law enforcement, namely by taking a system approach and structural, substantial and cultural reorientation of the criminal justice system. The main object of research and study of criminal law enforcement policies, while the approach used is a normative and sociological juridical analysis approach complemented by historical/contextual and global/comparative approaches, by prioritizing secondary data and qualitative analysis. The results of the research can be seen from the sub-systems in the criminal justice system (sub-systems of investigation, prosecution, decision making and criminal execution) in terms of application and institutions have not shown the existence of an integrated criminal justice system (SPPT) when viewed partially, the supporting components appear to be separated from each other.

with others, and tends to be a "collection of stories". The notion of an integrated criminal justice system is inseparable from the notion that includes substantial meaning but also extends to the philosophical aspects of the meaning of justice and benefit in an integrated manner.

Because legal culture is an integral part.


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How to Cite

Leksono, S. C., Purnomo, H., & RAS, H. (2023). CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF INTEGRATION. International Journal of Asia Pasific Collaboration, 1(3), 82–90. Retrieved from




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