
  • Moch. Abdhi Hendriyatna Langlangbuana University, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Hadi Purnomo Langlangbuana University, Bandung, Indonesia


Corporate responsibility, unfair trade competition, corporate culture model.


A healthy economic condition is the key to the country's economic stability and prosperity. Businesses play a very important role in the country's economic growth, such as job creation and growth, and they play an active role in the country's growth. However, the important and active role of companies in the country's economic growth is often associated with violations that end up in criminal law. Unfair business competition creates monopoly.

For economists, a monopoly is defined as a market structure with only one producer or seller. The concept of community monopoly is that there are producers or sellers who have a monopoly position, if the producer or seller can control the market for the goods or services sold. It is necessary to ask how the criminal responsibility of business actors against perpetrators of fraud in business competition is regulated in the provisions of the law, and the criminal responsibility of business actors based on a business model. people and well-being?

Legal research methods are used to answer this question. In conclusion, it is hindered by the ambiguity of the laws and regulations regarding the criminal liability of entrepreneurs before the perpetrators of business competition fraud. The objective of the Prohibition of Monopolistic Behavior and Trade Competition Number 5 of 1999 is to optimize the elimination of unfair trade competition violations. However, criminal liability based on the corporate culture model must be applied with caution, as it affects corporate stability and social welfare.


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How to Cite

Hendriyatna, M. A., & Purnomo, H. (2023). CORPORATE CRIMINAL LIABILITY IN UNFAIR BUSINESS COMPETITION BASED ON CORPORATE CULTURE MODEL. International Journal of Asia Pasific Collaboration, 1(2), 50–57. Retrieved from

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